Weiss Kissenbezug (White Pillowcase- made up of Tencel)

Weiss Kissenbezug (White Pillowcase- made up of Tencel)

Kissenbezug (known as Pillowcases) gives a complete feel to bedding as it is functional and comfortable too. They not only protect the pillows from dust, stains, and facial and hair oils, but also add a class to your bedding. Being tired of a hectic schedule, we sometimes need nothing more than hugging a cozy pillow to make us feel calm and relaxed. With the softness of Tencel, Pillowcase Byakuya assures that you will simply fall asleep while hugging the cozy pillow.

Tencel is a verified version of lyocell. It is generally used for bed linen and clothing. The production of Tencel is done through new sustainable technologies which also protect the environment from the negative impacts of traditional fiber production. Bed linen made up of Tencel is much absorbent than cotton, softer than silk, and gives a more cooling effect than linen. Byakuya presents you with 100% natural Tencel bed linen, perfect for sensitive skin. All of our bed linen is naturally white and made up of TENCEL ™.


Pillows can lighten up your bed, reflect your personality, and alter the complete vibe of your interiors. An amazing way of adding class to your home furnishings and decor. Don't underestimate the power of these cute and classy white pillowcases (Weiss Kissenbezug). They can add elegance to your bedding.

Every item you choose to be a part of your home decor reflects your personality. But, If we say about the large items like sofa, bed or other, last for years, pillowcases can be changed in a week or two. So you may simply try this Weiss kissenbezug(white pillowcase). This white texture will be like the cherry on the cake for your bedding. You can make a style statement through this white pillowcase.

Tencel pillowcases (Tencel Kissenbezug) are becoming more and more popular in comparison to pillowcases with other fabrics, As mentioned earlier, this Tencel fabric is softer than silk, hence it is beneficial for skin and hair too. It is hypoallergenic and skin-friendly.  This pillowcase will really amaze you as it remains just as soft, even after many washes.

Are you still browsing for a pillowcase!!! If yes, so no worries Byakuya offers you the Weiss kissenbezug (white pillowcase- made of Tencel) to add elegance and comfort to your lifestyle.


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